
ClineというAIエージェントがすごいCline, the Amazing AI Agent

vscodeの拡張で、チャットでaiに指示を出すよくあるやつなんだけど、実行能力と生成されるコードの精度がすごい。It's a common type of VS Code extension where you give instructions to an AI via chat, but its execution capabilities and the accuracy of the generated code are amazing.


ターミナルでコマンド実行したり、エラーを自動で修復してくれたりする。It can execute commands in the terminal and automatically fix errors.

そして生成されるコードのそのまま使える割合が高い。cursorだと40%くらいしか使えないが、clineなら70%くらいそのまま使えるの出してくる。And a high percentage of the generated code can be used as is. With Cursor, only about 40% is usable, but with Cline, it produces about 70% that can be used directly.


I'll show you how I use it in actual development. I wanted a floating menu like the one in the image below for this site where I'm writing this article. It's a feature to display only the original text or only the translated text.


So, I provided the following file name and the image, and asked it to create this menu that would smoothly appear only when scrolling up: /web/app/routes/$userName+/page+/$slug+/index.tsx. Then, I received the following response.

許可をすると、以下のようなファイルを作成してくれた。After granting permission, it created the following file for me.

This is already quite impressive. With Cursor, you can do something similar with a composer, but Cline can create highly accurate results right from the start. The file location, web/app/routes/$userName+/page+/$slug+/components/FloatingControls.tsx, is exactly where I wanted it. When I pressed save, it started updating other files and began changing things in various places, as shown below.

なので変えすぎだと指示をすると今度は複数のファイルを読み始め、今度は適切なコードを生成した。So, when I instructed it that it was changing too much, it started reading multiple files and then generated the appropriate code.


Of course, it's not perfect yet, so some minor adjustments were necessary, but what was completed is the menu at the bottom right that appears when you scroll up this page a bit. It’s amazing. I think it's the best code-generating agent I've tried so far. It's especially good at generating code that follows the rules of existing code. It makes me feel like I’m in the future. Also, it seems that there is a function where Cline itself starts the server and tests it, but the save button was grayed out and I couldn't press it, as shown in the image below, so I couldn't try it. If this worked, it would be incredibly awesome too.

